Monday, 7 May 2012

Inspiration & Steampunk

How is everyone enjoying the bank holiday?  I must admit the weather could be better, but what do you expect on a long weekend!

I've spent a couple of weekends working on my new projects, using mixed medium is a step in a new direction for me as I've predominatly worked with glass and beads.  My inspiration came from a magazine my friend Lucy gave me earlier this year.  It was a making jewellery magazine, not one I've picked up or flicked through before but it had interviews with designers, and one caught my eye.  I'd not heard of her before but she was dressed in a red Victorian Outfit & her jewellery style appealled to my goth side.  Reading the interview with Jema Hewitt & a "how to" article written by her I was inspired by the steampunk style jewellery and her use of mixed mediums.  She has written a book on creating Steampunk Jewellery called Steampunk Emporium which I ordered from amazon along with some other Steampunk design books & I was inspired & excited about making jewellery once more!

So using Jema's guides on using resin (certainly not something I'd considered before) and mixing it with polymer clay, crystals and charms I've had some exciting projects underway!  I must admit using the polymer clay reminded me of some pieces I made at school!

The items below are available from my Misi Store and I've included the stories my acquiantance Miss Kitty Storm-Barron has for them.

Atlantean Charm Bracelet

Miss Kitty Storm-Barron was on an aquatic adventure with her hired crew & submarine “Return to Nautilus” searching for the lost city of Atlantis, sadly on this mission the ancient city was not found, but a clue of its existence was.  Miss Kitty found this charm bracelet which is made from sea glass and coin charms.  The underwater expedition was cut short due to a leak in the fuselage, but Miss Kitty is determined to continue the quest once a puncture repair kit has been located...

Princess Sarah's Clockwork Heart Necklace
On a recent interlude in Zanzibar Miss Kitty Storm-Barron heard a story about Princess Sarah, she was a clockwork Princess commissioned by a Prince Regent, but the Prince was an arrogant man & believed he deserved everything he wanted & even the clockwork Princess Sarah could not love him.  Princess Sarah fell in love with a young, kind hearted servant in the palace, but the Prince grew jealous & banished the servant from his kingdom & demanded the heart he had made for her belonged to him.  Princess Sarah asked her maker to create another clockwork heart, one to wear around her neck so she could always display her love for her young man whilst the Prince owned the one inside her.  Miss Kitty found this piece at auction, believed to be Princess Sarah’s heart necklace.

Lord Lucian's Time Device Necklace

Whilst having afternoon tea in an establishment just outside the centre of Cairo Miss Kitty Storm-Barron happened upon an inebriated gentleman of some question boasting about his recent gains in the pick pocketing department.  One of his newest acquisitions, a Time Device, Miss Kitty recognised as belonging to Lord Lucian (believed to be the High Judicial of the Secret Pioneers Society) and decided to liberate it from its new owner; Miss Kitty fully intended to return the Time Device to Lord Lucian but the piece intrigued her has it had no discernable hands to tell the time, and knowing Lord Lucian’s reputation for new inventions it’s believed the device may have another secret use...

That's all for now, hope you like the new jewellery & enjoy the stories, let me know what you think =0)

Lots of love, Kendra x